
I facilitate live as well as online workshops in Czech or English language. My approach is 20% of theory to 80% of practice, thus also my online workshops are very practical. I am more in the role of a coach and facilitator taking you to experience-based development.


Looking for an online or offline workshop delivered for a group of employees?

I prefer to work with my clients to design customized workshops that meet their specific needs as I detest “one-size-fits-all” solutions.

Look at the topics below and let me know what kind of workshop you are interested in. We can discuss your training needs over the phone or in person if you are Brno-based and I can prepare a customized offer for you.

I am also a certified DDI trainer, thus in case you are looking for the delivery of any of DDI content, do not hesitate to contact me.

Developing Self

If you want to improve productivity of your company, you will probably want to start with increasing engagement of your employees.

This workshop makes employees realize that they have their self-development in their hands and increases their engagement level by leading them to develop the skills they desire to develop on the job.
In its version for managers it enables them to realize the same and lead the development discussions effectively and efficiently.

Communication Skills
Effective Communication

Communication skills are the basis of every development. No matter if you are a junior individual contributor or a manager, communication skills are the must-have to work with others.

In this workshop participants learn to build better relationships with others and communicate more effectively with their colleagues and/or customers to achieve desired results.

Effective Feedback

Can a company achieve better results without its employees exchanging effective feedback? I doubt that. Yet, the effectiveness of a feedback depends on many factors and a lot of employees including managers lack skills connected to these:

  • skills related to give effective feedback, choose the right words and
  • the trust between you and the other person
  • emotional intelligence (EQ) on both sides
  • openness of the feedback recipient to receive feedback.

In this workshop participants practice not only choosing the right words, but especially consider when and how to use them to achieve behavioral change on the side of the feedback recipient as this is the ultimate goal of each feedback.
We also cover a coaching approach to giving feedback, that in many situations is more effective.

Effective Meetings
Leading Participative

Nothing kills the productivity and engagement of employees more than boring ineffective meetings.

I work with my clients to build customized workshops to suit their company culture and development needs to help them build proper meeting culture across the company.

We usually start with the basic workshop on the effective meeting factors and meeting types and often work through in depth training on how to lead participative meetings where the meeting leader is facilitating live discussion among the meeting participants increasing thus the level of engagement of all meeting members with the synergic effect for better decision making process or better planning etc. depending on the purpose of such a meeting.

Participative meetings work great also for scrum masters and all sorts of post mortem discussions.

Coaching Skills

Coaching skills can be used broadly no matter if you are a manager or leading projects. They come handy everywhere where you need to have great working relationships or develop others. Good coaching and communication skills equip managers, leaders and mentors to grow not only the potential of individuals and teams, but also build team relationships.

Participants learn to use coaching techniques and tools effectively and sensitively in their everyday developmental conversations with their direct reports and peers. They practice coaching skills live with their fellow participants, receive immediate feedback as well as tools to equip them to put their learning into practice right away back on the job.

In the past I have also facilitated these topics:

  • Talent Retention
  • Performance Management
  • HR basics for managers
  • Appraisal Talks
  • Goal Setting Conversation
  • Unconscious Bias
  • Facilitation Skills
  • Leadership Basics

Are you struggling to find a workshop covering your company’s developmental needs? Do not hesitate to contact me and we can discuss if and how I could help you.


What have the former attendees of my workshop said?


Suresh Menon

Senior Engineering Manager, Ooyala, Chennai, India
“Ida has a genuine and deep-rooted passion to help individuals as well as teams improve their leadership and communication skills.

The right leadership culture at every level is critical to the success of any organisation. It helps channelise the collective skills of its employees to produce great results for the company.

It is in this critical aspect of leadership development that Ida’s skills and experience can make a huge difference.”

Wendy Shepperd

VP Engineerig, AllClear ID, Austin, Texas, USA
“Ida is an impact team player and earnest collaborator across the organization! She provides creativity and passion to transform individuals and teams to be the best they can be and is especially adept at leadership coaching and development. During the time we worked together, Ida implemented several new leadership development programs and helped many leaders through challenging personnel situations. She was a great help to me personally as well.

I highly recommend Ida and would happily work with her again!”

Lukáš Sochor

Start-Up Founder, Brno, Czech Republic
“Ida opened the doors to a new direction of my life through coaching that made me realize what I really want to do and what my purpose is.

She also helped me identify the steps I need to take to move forward.

I can also recommend her as a consultant, if you want to move to the next level at work.”

Radim Keseg

Development Manager, SAP, Brno, Czech Republic
“I have been through two training sessions lectured by Ida. Communication and feedback techniques were accompanied by examples from real-life situations, which created an even better “AHA” effect. We were also able to practice these techniques by role-playing with a subsequent reflection on them. Ida provided us with answers to questions about how to communicate more effectively in the situations we had previously encountered. She initiated discussion and offered suggestions for possible solutions where needed. The combination of theory and practice was balanced and contributed to our concentration and success of her training.”


From time to time I deliver online or offline workshops for individuals.

If you are interested in developing your skills in one of the below mentioned topics, do not hesitate to contact me.

You can either sign-up to my waiting list to be informed of the next round of the workshop you are interested in, or you can organize a group of at least 6 attendees for off-line or online workshops and contact me about pricing.

Career Development
Career Restart

Are you looking for a job that brings you not only money, but also a meaningful self-actualization and a sense of fulfillment?
This workshop is for you, if you want to decide where to take your career and plan your career development step by step.

Communication Skills
Effective Communication

Do you want to improve your relationships in private or professional life?
Are you struggling with communicating effectively?

In this workshop you learn to build better relationships with others and communicate more effectively to achieve desired results.

Facilitation Skills

Do you teach or plan to teach others?
Have you ever received feedback that your training is too theoretical or even boring?
Or do you simply want to increase participants’ engagement in your life workshops?
This workshop will equip you with the basic practical facilitation skills and transform your teaching sessions (e.g. seminars, workshops) into practical lively training full of interaction. Your participants will never feel bored and you will accelerate their development through increasing their engagement level.
As a reward, I am sure, they will also give you great feedback.

Coaching Skills

Coaching skills can be used broadly not only at work, but also in private areas of life, especially in parenting. They come handy everywhere where you want to facilitate great relationships or develop others.

Participants learn to use coaching techniques and tools effectively and sensitively in their everyday conversations. They practice coaching skills live with their fellow participants, receive immediate feedback as well as tools to equip them to put their learning into practice right away back at home or at work.

What have the former attendees of my workshop said?


Suresh Menon

Senior Engineering Manager, Ooyala, Chennai, India
“Ida has a genuine and deep-rooted passion to help individuals as well as teams improve their leadership and communication skills.

The right leadership culture at every level is critical to the success of any organisation. It helps channelise the collective skills of its employees to produce great results for the company.

It is in this critical aspect of leadership development that Ida’s skills and experience can make a huge difference.”

Wendy Shepperd

VP Engineerig, AllClear ID, Austin, Texas, USA
“Ida is an impact team player and earnest collaborator across the organization! She provides creativity and passion to transform individuals and teams to be the best they can be and is especially adept at leadership coaching and development. During the time we worked together, Ida implemented several new leadership development programs and helped many leaders through challenging personnel situations. She was a great help to me personally as well.

I highly recommend Ida and would happily work with her again!”

Lukáš Sochor

Start-Up Founder, Brno, Czech Republic
“Ida opened the doors to a new direction of my life through coaching that made me realize what I really want to do and what my purpose is.

She also helped me identify the steps I need to take to move forward.

I can also recommend her as a consultant, if you want to move to the next level at work.”

Radim Keseg

Development Manager, SAP, Brno, Czech Republic
“I have been through two training sessions lectured by Ida. Communication and feedback techniques were accompanied by examples from real-life situations, which created an even better “AHA” effect. We were also able to practice these techniques by role-playing with a subsequent reflection on them. Ida provided us with answers to questions about how to communicate more effectively in the situations we had previously encountered. She initiated discussion and offered suggestions for possible solutions where needed. The combination of theory and practice was balanced and contributed to our concentration and success of her training.”

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