Why a Positive Attitude is Critical to Effective Leadership

Why a Positive Attitude is Critical to Effective Leadership

What is the difference between a pessimist, an optimist and a realist? The classic joke says that a pessimist sees a dark tunnel, an optimist sees the light at the end of it, a realist sees a train, and the train operator sees three idiots standing on the track. We...
Mistaking the Comfort Zone for the Sweet Spot

Mistaking the Comfort Zone for the Sweet Spot

In one of my past HR roles, I had a presentation for employees on the topic of performance management and development. I mentioned that to develop skills and unleash potential, one needs to step out of a comfort zone because a certain level of discomfort is a good...
Dare to be a Bull in a China Shop

Dare to be a Bull in a China Shop

My close friend Jane asked me recently: “Which approach to leadership seems better to you: an authoritarian leader who gives “orders” and disapproves of any objections, or somebody like my boss, who is authoritarian by nature, but as a result of coaching, is trying...
4 Tips for Making the Most of Your One-on-ones

4 Tips for Making the Most of Your One-on-ones

In my last blog post, I wrote about the frequency of one-on-ones. Yet, a much more important question every manager should ask is “How efficiently and effectively do I use my and my team-members’ time during one-on-ones?” There are unfortunately a lot of managers who...