Manager vs. Individual Contributor – Tough Decision Making

Manager vs. Individual Contributor – Tough Decision Making

In my career, I have come across people who – being offered the role of a manager – were hesitant to accept the challenge. Some of them refused immediately and decided to stay in a role of an individual contributor, building up their expertise and...
Dare to be a Bull in a China Shop

Dare to be a Bull in a China Shop

My close friend Jane asked me recently: “Which approach to leadership seems better to you: an authoritarian leader who gives “orders” and disapproves of any objections, or somebody like my boss, who is authoritarian by nature, but as a result of coaching, is trying...
When Empowering Others Doesn’t Work

When Empowering Others Doesn’t Work

I wrote an article on how empowering others is crucial to your success as a manager. Nevertheless, there are times when a manager needs to choose a different management style – one some of his subordinates might perceive as micromanagement. As an HR manager, I have...


I have witnessed countless people entering the role of first-time manager and fighting their first “management battles.” When I asked one of my friends what his biggest “AHA” moment was in the process of becoming a manager, he did not hesitate with an answer: “There...