4 Tips for Making the Most of Your One-on-ones

4 Tips for Making the Most of Your One-on-ones

In my last blog post, I wrote about the frequency of one-on-ones. Yet, a much more important question every manager should ask is “How efficiently and effectively do I use my and my team-members’ time during one-on-ones?” There are unfortunately a lot of managers who...
4 Tips for Making the Most of Your One-on-ones

3 Questions to Help You Find the Perfect Frequency for One-on-ones

There has been a question raised in our Managers First Aid Forum on what the frequency of one-on-ones should ideally be. This is a very common and relevant question for a new manager to ask, and there is not a simple answer to it, so I decided to share my elaborated...
The Power of Empowerment

The Power of Empowerment

Today, it will get a little bit personal. My daughter Viki is now at the age when I hear her say “on my own” ten times a day. She is two years old, and I watch her skills developing constantly. No wonder she wants to try out all that is new. She wants to explore her...


I have witnessed countless people entering the role of first-time manager and fighting their first “management battles.” When I asked one of my friends what his biggest “AHA” moment was in the process of becoming a manager, he did not hesitate with an answer: “There...
When your boss doesn´t manage well, manage up!

When your boss doesn´t manage well, manage up!

I recall having a client, let’s call him Tom, who came to me soon after he had been promoted to a manager from an individual contributor role. Tom complained about communication with his boss, let’s call him Dan. Even though Tom had always admired Dan before becoming...